Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) Facts
01 What is CSA?
When an older, bigger or more powerful person abuses a child, and this abuse involves sexual activity. The abuse happens in secret. It remains mostly undetected by others or is denied. When †he abuser is a family member, it is called incest.
02 What are sexually abusive behaviours?
A wide range of behaviours, that may or may not involve physical contact, like a sexualized look or comment, touching, stroking, showing pornography, and all the way to penetration or rape.
03 What are the effects of sexual abuse?
CSA can have severe consequences in a person's life, affecting †he way †he individual thinks, acts, feels and behaves. It effects emotional, physical, mental end sexual well-being. It can significantly impair growth and development.
04 Is CSA prevalent in India?
CSA is very prevalent in India. A study by Government of India in 2007 indicates: Over 53% of children surveyed have undergone sexual abuse. 50% of the abused are boys 50% of the abusers were known to the child or in a position of trust and authority. Over 70% of children who have undergone sexual abuse are afraid to report it.
05 Who are child molesters?
Most are family members or known and trusted people who live amongst us. They come from various backgrounds, are of every gender, race, religion, profession & socio-economic group.
06 Who can be sexually abused?
Any child is vulnerable irrespective of age, gender. ability, education, socio-economic group, or religion.
07 What are the signs of CSA?
These include changes in behaviour and mood, sexual knowledge inappropriate to age, eating problems, tantrums, bedwetting at an older age, nightmares, frequent illnesses, among others.
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