Tips For Creating Safe School

Tips :

  • Acknowledge that Child Sexual Abuse occurs in schools and there is a need to be proactive about prevention
  • Understand that there is specific type of people who abuse children It can be men or women and they are like you and me
  • Educate Children about protecting themselves. Talking about abuse does not make them skeptical. Information should be dispensed in an age-appropriate manner.
  • Encourage Children to talk about difficult and unpleasant experiences. Share information about helplines and apps that would help them to access support if needed.
  • Create a culture of conversation in school between ALL stakeholders
  • Develop a child protection policy in school. It is mandatory in our opinion.
  • Educate EACH staff and those having access to children about abuse and the child protection policy of the School.
  • Educate yourself about the existing laws and organisations/statutory bodies you can reach out to, should you need help.